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Advances in Agricultural Machinery and TechnologiesGuangnan Chen2018PDF
Advances in  Body-Centric  Wireless  CommunicationQammer H. Abbasi,  Masood Ur Rehman, Khalid Qaraqe , and Akram Alomainy2016PDF
All You Knead is BreadJane Mason2012PDF
Anatomy 101Kevin Langford2015PDF
Aquaculture and Fisheries BiotechnologyRex A. Dunham2004PDF
Artificial Intelligent Approaches in Petroleum GeosciencesConstantin Cranganu, Henri Luchian , and  Mihaela Elena Breaban2015PDF
Baking with KidsLeah Brooks2015PDF
Basic Animal Husbandry and Fisheries StatisticsMinistry of Agriculture2014PDF
Tables and ChairsThe Taunton Press1990PDF
Carpentry and Framing Inspection NotesGil L. Taylor2005PDF
The Civil Engineering Handbook, Second EditionW.F. Chen and J.Y. Richard Liew2003PDF
Senn's Culinary EncyclopediaCharles Herman Senn1898PDF
Electrical Engineering 101Darren Ashby2009PDF
Emerging Dairy  Processing TechnologiesNivedita Datta and Peggy M. Tomasula2015PDF
Fundamentals of Thermodynamics, Eighth EditionClaus Borgnakke and Richard E. Sonntag2013PDF
Home-Based Economic Activities and Caribbean Urban LivelihoodsH.J.L.M. Verrest2007PDF
Homemade ShampooB. CliShea2017PDF
HomemadeBeatrice Ojakangas2016PDF
Hotel  HousekeepingMalini Singh2012PDF
Housekeeping Management, Second EditionMatt A. Casado2012PDF
Mechanical Engineers’ HandbookMyer Kutz2014PDF
Medical Terminology, An Illustrated GuideBarbara Janson Cohen and Shirley Jones2021PDF
No-Bake Recipes for KidsDebbie Madson2014PDF
Rustic CarpentryPaul N. Hasluck2007PDF
Safe at Home, Safe at WorkJane Pillinger2017PDF
Structural Engineering Reference ManualAlan Williams2015PDF
The Backyard Homestead Guide to Kitchen Know-HowAndrea Chesman2015PDF
The Cookies & Cups CookbookShelly Jaronsky2016PDF
The Great Meat CookbookBruce Aidells2012PDF
The New Diabetes CookbookKate Gardner2015PDF
The Small-Scale Fisheries  GuidelinesSvein Jentoft , Ratana Chuenpagdee , María José Barragán-Paladines , and Nicole Franz2017PDF
Travelling Towards HomeNicola Frost and Tom Selwyn2018PDF
Urban  Sustainability  through Smart  GrowthYonn Dierwechter2017PDF
Vegan DelightsToni Rodriguez2015PDF
Wind Power For DummiesIan Woofenden2009PDF
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